Radiographs are never taken unless requested or authorized by a dental officer. When a patient reports to the dental radiographic service, the desired radiographs are determined, appropriate information is recorded in the logbook (depending upon local policy), and certain basic procedures are performed.

a. Exposing Procedure.

(1) Seat the patient and adjust the headrest to establish the proper position of his head.

(2) Drape the patient with the lead apron and attach the cervical collar.

(3) Position the film packet.

(4) Align the x-ray tube.

(5) Select the proper exposure factor.

(6) Make the exposure.

(7) Place the film in a film safe until ready to process.

b. Processing Procedure. The processing procedure is performed in total darkness or with a special "safe" light.

(1) Prepare the darkroom.

(2) Stir the developing solution and note its temperature.

(3) Open the film packet and attach it to the film hanger.

(4) Set the timer in accordance with the graph as shown in figure 3-6 and place the film in the developing solution.

(5) Rinse the film in clear water.

(6) Set the timer again and place the film in the fixing solution.

NOTE: If a wet reading is desired, the film(s) may be removed from the fixing solution after it clears or after about two minutes. They are washed and taken to the dental officer for viewing. After the wet reading, the film(s) must be returned to the fixing bath for complete fixation.

(7) Wash the film.

(8) Dry the film.

NOTE: See paragraph 3-7 for additional information concerning the use of the automatic processor.

c. Viewing Procedure.

     (1) Mount in a suitable frame.

     (2) Label the mount for proper identification.

Dental X-rays
For Informational Purposes Only - Based On US Army Dental Training
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