Periapical film with an adapter is used for bite-wing radiographs of anterior teeth. Head positioning for anterior bite-wing exposures is the same as for the posterior teeth. Refer to paragraph 4-29. However, a bite-wing radiograph of anterior teeth is seldom requested by a dentist.
a. Central Area. Place the film packet in the mouth with the center of the film in line with the median plane. The lower part should be placed between the tongue and mandibular ridge. The upper part is then allowed to lie against the roof of the mouth. Have the patient bite tightly end-to-end against the tab. Adjust the tube to an angulation of +8º. Direct the central ray through the interproximal spaces between the central incisors at the level of the incisal plane. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for exposure time.
b. Lateral and Cuspid Area. Place the packet as specified for the central incisor region. Instruct the patient to bite very gently against the tab to hold it in position. Shift the tab distally until its mesial surface of the film is located at the midline of the arch between the central incisors. Then instruct the patient to bite firmly end-to-end against the tab. Adjust the tube to an angulation of +8º. Direct the central ray straight through the lateral incisor at the level of the incisal plane. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for exposure time.

Dental X-rays
For Informational Purposes Only - Based On US Army Dental Training
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