At times, more extensive radiographic views of oral tissues are desired than are obtainable with periapical or bite-wing film. These views are made by using occlusal film (refer to paragraph 4-3c). The occlusl film will always be exposed through the unbroken side. Periapical film is used at times to obtain occlusal views in children and views of small areas in adults. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for exposure times.
a. Maxillary Head Positioning. In all maxillary occlusal techniques, the patient's head is first adjusted so that the median plane (sagittal plane) of the face is in a vertical position and the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary teeth are in a horizontal plane (parallel to the floor). The x-ray is taken through the facial bones. The film is held in place by the patient's teeth, closed gently but firmly against the film packet.
b. Mandibular Head Positioning. In the mandibular full and posterior occlusal techniques, the patient is tilted back so that the x-ray is taken through the body of the mandible. In the anterior occlusal technique, the x-ray is taken through the chin. The patient holds the film in place by closing his teeth gently but firmly against the film.

Dental X-rays
For Informational Purposes Only - Based On US Army Dental Training
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